Since each piece is made on-demand specifically for you, we cannot accept returns. However, if you need to exchange for a different size, please email us at and we'll get it sorted out. You will have to pay for return shipping in that case.
If you receive an item you believe to be defective, please email us at with pictures and a description of the defect(s) and we'll work with our suppliers to make it right.
About GoGoBloom
GoGoBloom was created by Molly Heise, stay-at-home mom and Instagram-er at Call of the Styled. She's always been drawn to retro style and bright, quirky patterns. Staying home with a toddler, coupled with a global pandemic, she found herself in loungewear more often than not. Averse to neutrals, she wasn't feeling like herself anymore without her signature style. With her previous two jobs in pattern design and art direction, she decided to make the brand she'd been looking for!
In addition to joy-sparking athleticwear, Molly has also created patterned tees, sweatshirts, and accessories. Graphic tees and sweatshirts highlighting mental health, motherhood, and positivity can be paired with the patterned pieces. Want to match your little one? Options for kids range from 3 months to teens!
All pieces are printed on demand, so we don't hold inventory (which means less waste, yay!). It also means it may take a couple of weeks to receive your items since pieces are not printed, cut and sewn until you hit "order."
Molly is mama to a hilarious and energetic toddler Arlo, an adopted pup Reese, and is wife to Andy, her endlessly supportive husband of 10 years. She loves to explore restaurants and shops in Kansas City, MO, where she lives.
Want to learn more about GoGoBloom? Listen to our podcast interview on KC Confidential, or read about us on Startland News or Kansas City Magazine!